Eligibility Criteria, Submission & General Guidelines
- Nominations can be submitted by an Individual or an Organization only
- Nominations can be submitted by Government Organizations, Public and Semi Government companies. The Award is open to all public-sector in any country.
- The nomination can be submitted in English Only
- Documents submitted should be in the following formats: .PDF, .DOC, .PPT Max file size 10MB
- Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline: 20/08/2023
- Winners to be announced at the grand awards ceremony to be hosted on 20/09/2023
- The nominations must strictly abide to the award criteria and submission guidelines
- For third parties (i.e. consultants, trainers) applying for the Awards on behalf of the client, written consent from the client must be submitted along with the application.
- Nominations can be sent for more than one category however, a separate nomination to be filled for each nomination submitted
- All the applications and documents related to the award nomination procedure will be handled confidentially
- Nominations must be submitted via filling the online award nomination form.
- The initiative must have been implemented for a minimum of two years, with demonstrated and documented impact.

For Organization or Individual/ Team Entry
Kindly fills the online award nomination form that highlights key achievements, reason for nomination, project performance, results, business impact and its unique features by the nominated team or individual or organisation for the nominated category.

For Nomination Supporting Documents
Please feel free to share the required supporting documents that will aptly validate your nomination for the required award category including but not limited to press releases, campaigns, testimonials, statistics, videos and results
- Innovation, Imagination and Ambition
- Evidence of a clear strategy for the project / policy, clearly communicated to staff and other stakeholders
- Evidence of good management
- Supporting evidence that the project / policy has made a difference to services.
- Evidence it has achieved or is well on the way to achieving what it set out to do
- Core values – Has the project promoted or demonstrated the core values and behaviours set out in the Code? Has the nominee(s) acted (where relevant) with honesty, integrity, impartiality and objectivity?
- Above and beyond – Has the nominee(s)’s achievement gone above and beyond their normal job role?
- Working in partnership – Has the nominee(s) introduced effective joint working arrangements that connect colleagues from multiple teams, departments or other internal or external organisations?
- Innovation – Has the nominee(s) used innovative approaches, which have resulted in a step up from business as usual and delivered real benefits to end users?
- Measurable benefits – Is the project or programme achieving tangible results?
- Impact – Has the nominee(s) made an impact beyond their immediate team/business area/department?
- Sustainability – Does the project leave a legacy, and can it be replicated across government?
- Inclusion – Does the nominee(s) successfully bring to life the values around diversity and inclusion, recognising the value in what makes people the same and what makes people different as well as fostering cultures which allow people to be their authentic self at work, creating a sense of belonging and fostering a safe environment for people to speak up and be heard?